Back in 2015, I moved to a school which specialised in Design and Engineering.

Here, I was introduced to 3D computer-aided design (CAD) for the first time. It was something I instantly fell in love with, coming from an interest in all things design and graphics related.

Over the weekends I would spend time modelling random objects around the house and render them photo-realistically to challenge my abilities.

I would often post my creations to Instagram under the name Stein Designs.

After a few months of doing this, I improved dramatically and was searching for something to test my abilities even further. That is when I came across a Fossil watch sitting in my brother's drawer.

At first, I thought 3D modelling a watch would be far too difficult for someone of my skillset and age at the time.

Over 20 parts later, I managed to create an assembly that recreated the entire watch.

I rendered it using KeyShot and put together an advert-style animation, inspired by Apple's adverts.

Looking back, I have improved a lot since creating the watch but I am still very proud of the end result.